Trade Pricing


Welcome to Vehicle Ancestry trade pricing

The largest database of ex taxi data in the UK. Our unique data set holds considerably more information than any other supplier in the UK. We are trusted by provenance providers, top 10 dealer groups (who have chosen us over any other competition after compaing our results) but also the biggest remarketing companies too. So, you can be assured of the biggest and BEST service at all times.

Our data sets are continuously being updated not only with ex taxi & Uber vehicles, but we also are pioneering public sector vehicles too.

For those who use HPI or Experian this is a great bolt on service to enhance your provenance checks without changing provider.

Why does checking your cars matter?

Consumers are protected from sellers misleading actions (omitting to tell a consumer something they may rely on to make an informed buying decision for example being an ex-taxi). Consumers can request a full refund at any point after the sale.

Also Trading Standards could take you to court for breaches of Consumer Protection Regulations, where you could be prosecuted and fined!

Without doubt the financial and time implications support checking your cars before you sell them.

There are two ways of accessing the database:

1. For larger users, an API is quick and simple to integrate

2. For SME’s, our simple to login portal is most popular, which can also be used whilst on the move, or when out buying stock

Our pricing plans are based on usage type & volumes, with prices from 0.75p to just 0.01p per look up.

We’ll not tie you in to a contract & no minimum spend.

For further details please complete the contact form below and if you prefer to talk with me directly just leave me a message. Regards David

Bringing valuable insight for the “Next Generation” of provenance checks.

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